Novacross Perfumed Disinfectant Cleaner 2x5L

A multipurpose neutral cleanser which cleans, deodorises and sanitizes. Also available unperfumed. Tested and approved against the MRSA bacteria.  A multipurpose disinfectant cleanser and deodoriser. Cleans, disinfects and deodorises, all in one operation. It is based on quaternary ammonium compounds, cleaning chemicals and reodorisers. Designed for routine use in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, surgeries, kitchens, canteens, hotels, schools and offices; for cleaning and disinfecting floors, walls, paintwork, equipment, sinks, drains, washrooms, lavatories, waste bins, etc.  

Complies with the European Suspension Test BSEN1276 and is effective against methycillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), salmonella typhimurium, listeria monocytogenes, pseudomonas aeruginosa, escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus and enterococcus hirae with a contact time of 5 minutes.

Quantity2x5 Litre

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